Botanical name:
Ficus racemosa
Common name:
Gulhar, Umber, Audumbar, cluster fig
One of our commonly seen tree all over our country is now fruiting and can see the fruits fallen all over below the tree ..this abundantly fruiting trees that fruit all over the branch in clusters is much loved by birds and animals but unfortunately, least consumed by humans. Ripe fruit can be consumed naturally and raw food cooked. Both the ripe and raw fruits, leaves, bark, milk sap have following health benefits:
1. Purifies blood
2. Controls acidity
3. Heals diabetes, mumps and blood related ailments.
4. Anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and microbial
5. Reducing body heat and healing all stomach and liver ailments
6. Improves mental health and concentration.
7. Improves overall body strength and immunity
8. Heals cancer
Various ayurvedic and natural medicines r made from various parts of this tree.
Let us try to use this commonly found food/medicine around us a part of our diet when in season.