Dashparni Ark

In continuation of our natural pest management for plants, another very potent preparation is *Dashparni Ark* *Dashparni* literally means …*Dash* means *Ten* and *Parni* means *Leaf* …*Ark* is *Extract*, in Sanskrit. It tackles sucking pests like aphids, mealybugs, borers, thrips, […]

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🌱 *Know ur plants and trees* In continuation of our discussion on natural pesticides for plants, one of the potent one is *Jeevamrut*. Jeevamrut is a natural manure cum pesticide conceived by *Padma Shri Subhash Palekarji,* founder of Zero Budget […]

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Agnihastra… pesticide

🌱 *Know ur plants and trees* In continuation of our discussion on natural pesticides for plants, another of the them is *Agnihastra*. *Agnihastra* is a natural pesticide conceived by *Padma Shri Subhash Palekarji,* founder of Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF). […]

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