Hirda…Terminalia Chebula

 *Terminalia* *Chebula.. Harad, Hirda, Haritaki (Ayurveda), Amrut in sanskrit. This *King of Medicine* is highly resistant tree that can survive even fire, mostly found in eastern India…Himalayas, West Bengal, Assam, etc and some parts of South. In Ayurveda, it is […]

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Beheda…Terminalia Bellirica

Know and grow ur local trees* *Terminalia Bellirica* local names Beheda, Bibhitaki (Sanskrit name), Behera, Beleric Myrobalan, etc. An indigenous deciduous native medicinal tree found in the tropical countries including India (Maharastra, MP, UP, etc) is mentioned in our Ayurvedic […]

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Avla, Amla….Phyllantus Emblica

 *Know and grow ur trees *Phyllantus Emblica* …Amla, Avla, Indian gooseberry, Amalaki (Sanskrit name). It is a short sized native tree found in southern eastern Asia. It is one of three ingredients of potent Ayurvedic rejuvenating preparation *Triphala* The benefits […]

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