Jau..Hordeum Vulgare

  🌱 *Know ur plants and trees* 🌳 🍁 *Botanical name* *Hordeum Vulgare* 🍁 *Local names* *Jau* 🍁 *Salient features of Barley* *Barley* is one of the oldest and first cultivated grains of this world dating back to 10000 years […]

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Gulvel… Tinospora Cordifolia

🌱 *Know ur plants and trees* 🌳 🍁 *Botanical name* Tinospora Cordifolia 🍁 *Local names* *Giloy, Guduchi, Gulvel, Amrutaballi, Heartleaved Moonseed,etc* 🍁 *Salient features* *Giloy* is a native hardy climbing herb used extensively in Ayurveda. The leaves have distinct heart […]

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Foxtail Millet

*Know ur plants and trees* *Botanical name*: *Setaria Italica* *Local names:* *Italian millet, Kangni, Kakum, etc* *Salient features*: The pinnacle of this millet looks like a fox’s tail hence called *Fox Tail Millet* It is a very ancient millet dated […]

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