In response to how we can positively impact our environment individually:
a. Plant trees. if each of us can nurture a tree sapling for 3 years in our surroundings…with 1.4 billion population, we can create positive climate impact.
b. If we use refuse, reduce and reuse the dry and wet waste that we generate in our homes then with zero waste going to landfill, half our battle is won.
c. Buy local and naturally grown produce, shun fruits and veggies that are imported from far off places and encourage natural and organic produce by buying them.
d. Walk, cycle, use public transport or opt for renewable or cng/solar/wind energy as fuel than polluting non renewable energy. e. Besides above, there r many energy conservation measures Most importantly, encourage your friends and family to join these Earth conservation movements bcos this has to be done collectively…just you and I doing won’t be enough.