Botanical name: Lychee Chinensis
Local names : Lychee
Of the many spring-summer treats, Lychee is much sought after bcos of its sweet juicy taste, esp by children. It is available for a limited time around May-June of the year. Lychee tree being exacting in climate requirements, is grown mostly in Bihar, West Bengal,UP, Uttarakhand in India and China, Vietnam,etc. It flowers and fruits in certain latitudes in certain climate of above regions.
Health benefits of eating Lychee:
1. High in potassium, iron, copper, etc…good for blood to stabilize pressure and improves blood circulation
2. High fibre…good for digestion, cholesterol, etc
3. Protects heart
4. Prevents cancer
5. Improves body immunity and strengthens bones
6. Has high vitamin C
7. Lychee honey is much in demand for its health property.
8. Useful for jaundice patients
9. Good for skin
So make the most of its short span of availability in market by eating it as much as u can.